10 Tips Blog Header Image

Midwest PETS is your chance to level up your leadership, make lasting connections, and get inspired—follow these 10 pro tips to make the most of your experience!

  1. Be All In! Life is busy, but this weekend is your time to dive into leadership prep. Attend sessions, connect with fellow Rotarians, and embrace the experience. The more you invest in PETS, the more success you’ll create in your year ahead!
  2. Get Prepped with Resources! Need slides, handouts, or guides? They’re all waiting for you on the Resources page at midwestpets.org. Plan ahead, stay organized, and make the most of your learning.
  3. Grand Ballroom = Home Base! All general sessions and meals happen here, so get familiar with the space and settle in for some powerful moments of learning and inspiration.
  4. Make the MyEvent App Your Best Friend! This app has your personal schedule, attendee list, maps, and more. Get more info and download the app here. If you prefer a paper copy of your personal schedule, just ask at registration.
  5. Find Your Way Like a Pro! Conference rooms on the 2nd floor go counterclockwise alphabetically, starting with Alton to the right of the elevators. Need a map? Find it here!
  6. Stay Connected! Free Wi-Fi is available in all meeting spaces. The network is Westin-Meetings, and use the password: mwpets2025. Just note, it won’t work in your hotel room or the atrium.
  7. Lost & Found = Registration Desk! If you misplace something (or find something that’s not yours), head to registration.
  8. Explore, Shop & Connect! The vendor area in the atrium is full of opportunities—pick up Rotary materials, explore projects that need your help, and build relationships that will last a lifetime.
  9. BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle)! Help us go green and cut down on waste! No bottled water or soda will be provided, so bring a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated and do your part for the planet.
  10. Be Social! Follow Midwest PETS on Facebook for event updates and photos. Share your own moments with @MidwestPETS and use #MidwestPETS25 to be part of the story!

Get ready to learn, connect, and have an unforgettable Midwest PETS experience—embrace the journey, and let’s make this a weekend to remember!