What is Midwest PETS?
The Rotary Midwest President-Elect Training Seminar (PETS) is one of the largest multi-district PETS in the United States. It was formed in 2012 with a view to becoming a premier training event with the atmosphere of a mini Rotary International Convention by leveraging the expertise and buying power of six Rotary Districts from Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, Districts 6220, 6250, 6270, 6420, 6440 and 6450.
With the ability to host exceptional speakers, informative workshops, detailed district training sessions, fellowship and networking, the basic purpose of our PETS is to motivate our 500+ attendees including club presidents-elect, presidents-elect nominee and assistant governors to ensure they are extremely well prepared for their year of service.

Our Mission
Midwest PETS prepares Rotary leaders by providing the knowledge, tools, and connections needed to inspire, motivate, and educate them for success in their roles.